
September 20, 2019

3 Vegan Desserts that Boost Metabolism


Who Doesn’t Love Dessert?

3 Vegan Option to Boost Your Metabolism

So as of today I am formally launching my new website www.ivettedesai.com.

On there you will find out a little bit more about me,

a new freebie, “5 Recipes to Kill the Sugar Cravings”….

more freebies are coming, this is just a taster!!!

I am super excited about the upcoming

10 Day Sugar Cleanse, which begins October 16th.

If you want to kick your sugar cravings to the curb and boost your energy. Now is your chance!
For a limited time I am offering a free 45 minute one:one for those that sign up before October 7th.

So Click here to get in on the action.

Sugar has always been an issue for me!! As I kid I remember growing up and going out to dinner with my family. I would turn to my mom and ask her what she was ordering for dinner and she would respond, “Not sure yet…. I am trying to see what is on the dessert menu first and then decide on the main course!!’

Eventually I began to do the same thing. This definitely caught up with me.

Now I have to say I am no longer a sugar enthusiastic, in fact I find many desserts too sweet, but I have found some vegan ones that I really enjoy.

Complete deprivation can also back fire and cause you to overindulge somewhere else. And we don’t want that. That deprivation can cause a downward spiral.

So what if you could have dessert and also boost your metabolism, wouldn’t that be an even bigger bonus?

Everyone wants to boost their metabolism, so try indulging in a healthy and delicious vegan dessert. They can go a long way in revving up your metabolism and supporting your weight loss goals.

1. Sweet Energy Balls

Energy balls—sometimes called protein balls—are an excellent way of packing lots of energizing nutrients into tiny bite-sized snacks. Energy balls are easy to make, store, and take on the go for an after-meal dessert or anytime snack. Energy balls are vegan and not only boost metabolism but are also packed with an array of health benefits for you and your family. Energy ball recipes abound on the internet and can include anything from peanut butter and chocolate chip to more elaborate varieties like apple pie and apricot coconut. Try the recipe below!

2. Pudding

Chia pudding is one vegan dessert you just have to try. The chia seeds pack a ton of fiber as well as Omega 3 fatty acids. You can mix in a layer of delicious and fresh berries for beneficial antioxidants or bananas for even more fiber and a healthy dose of potassium. Using freshly squeezed orange juice can provide you some healthy Vitamin C, too.

3. Banana Ice Cream

I always keep a bunch frozen to make a quick ice cream. Throw one in the blender with a splash of coconut milk and raw cacao – BOOM… chocolate ice cream.

Bananas are great sources of resistant starch or RS. This is a healthy carbohydrate that helps with feelings of satiety and helps boost your metabolism. Bananas are also loaded with Vitamin B6, which supports the nervous system and the brain. Vitamin B6 is also responsible for supporting the production of the neurotransmitters GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. Bananas also provide about 35% of your daily calcium needs.

Don’t give up dessert!!!

Here is one of my favorite Protein Ball Recipes and if you want more action sign up for the 10 Day Sugar Cleanse!

Big Hugs,


PS Two more spots for one:ones have opened up. Apply here if you want to start your journey.


COMBINE THE INGREDIENTS. Add the ingredients to a large bowl. Stir until they are combined and mixed well.

MAKE THE PROTEIN BALLS. Once ingredients are mixed well, roll into 5 even balls. Roll each ball in a bowl of shredded coconut. Feel free to dust them with more cacao for an extra boost of antioxidants. Place on a wax paper-lined dish and place in the freezer for 10 minutes.

Makes 5 balls

2 tablespoons hemp protein powder

3 tablespoons hemp seeds

3 tablespoons sun butter

1 tablespoon coconut oil

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon raw cacao

1 tablespoon honey or a few drops of stevia

Shredded coconut


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