November 18, 2021





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The habits you choose are the difference between ease and stress!

Curious about what the 10 Habits of Yogi’s are and what they can do to uplevel mind, body, and spirit so you are in a thrive mode not a survival mode?

Join Ivette for a 10 week Virtual Summer Thrive Immersion Program TO REACH THE TRANSFORMATION YOU DESIRE!

Join the program which will help you integrate amazing habits to get you the results to have

  • more ease

  • more energy

  • better sleep

  • hormonal balance

  • decreased pain/less inflammation

  • more focus

  • better digestion


This is an opportunity for you to learn about the 10 habits and start applying them to your life and begin to live in rhythm and more balance.

This 10 week program will help you learn the 10 Habits of Ayurveda and the science of habit evolution and will help you learn step by step how to evolve your daily habits.

This immersion will review Cate Stillman’s book “Body Thrive.” We will review one chapter per week to incorporate 10 habits from Ayurveda and Yoga to support health, ease, energy, longevity and natural joy.

Join in a weekly conversation about living in ease and discover tools to sleep better, eat better, feel and look better.

You will also be given access to the Body Thrive Workbook so you can apply your knowledge in your life on a day to day basis.

Learn how the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, modern behavioral science, and can support your transformation. Join a community group that will support sustainable change.

We start august 4th ONLINE VIA ZOOM!

I am ready to make change for 10 weeks; SIGN ME UP!

 If you are struggling with:

  • tired and wired?

  • digestive issues – bloating, constipation

  • anxiety, stress & overwhelm at times with your life

  • making the right choices for your body?

  • deeply nourishing your soul and delve into self care

  • live a longer and healthier life

  • consistency in reaching your health & wellness goals

Then this is the first step to move towards how you really want to feel. Small shifts can create major changes.

How will the immersion work?

Once you sign up, I will send you a zoom link for the 10 weeks.

We meet every Wednesday – time to be determined EST on a Zoom conference call.

You will also receive 2 one:one sessions with me to delve deeper to personalize your experience.

We will learn to focus on the habits that will make the biggest impact during this time for you. We share your experiences and challenges. The group will share tips, recipes, ideas, struggles and more.

The first two people to sign up will receive a copy of the book for free!

Invest yourself in this process with a sense of curiosity and exploration. You will focus on what works for you now and allow yourself to become aware of the possibilities. Pay attention to how you feel and know that these habits build on each other and will ultimately support a happier, healthier life.

Your investment to sign on is $347.

If you sign up by THURSDAY July 29TH, 2021 – SAVE $50 and pay your discounted INVESTMENT of $277.
