
December 22, 2019


Happy Holidays!! 

2 Gifts for You – A Few Ways to BEAT YOUR Cravings

You are almost to the end of the year.. some of you will be making new years resolutions. Some of you will stick with your old ways. 

What is going to push you to take the first steps to a healthier and more energized you?

You have tried so many different times to lose weight, to change the way you are eating, tried so many diets.  For some reason you end up returning to your old ways and gaining the weight back or worse feeling sicker. Maybe this has put you  into a spiral of feeling guilty, ashamed, and just not good about you. 

There are SO many diets out there and SO many coaches…. and they are not all going to the the “right” one for you. 

I want you to feel good about the choices you make and how you look and feel. 

I also want you to find the right foods for you that will contribute to your: 

-improved energy
-improved focused and clear headedness
-improved sleep 
-healthy and sustainable weight loss

I want you to have a journey to health, feel passion and joy in your life.

Over the years I have experimented with so many different diets and each time I just kept gaining weight back, feeling overwhelmed or getting bored with the food I was “supposed” to eat. 

…. and then I found a different way to eat, found the foods that fueled my unique body, learned to better plan and prioritize me. 

I also got to the bottom of why I wanted to eat and be healthier. Understanding my why was such a integral part of my being able to end dieting for ever. 

I want to share how to do this with you. 

This is why I offer my Winter Wellness Cleanse –  a small window of commitment to finding the best way to eat for your unique body. 

If you are looking to improve health forever then sign up now!! 

I have been offering quite a few freebies lately, check them out! This is a great way to see if what I offer might resonate with you. 

Here is a 24 Hour Soup Cleanse below. SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN!

The recipes are yummy so even if you don’t do the cleanse you will some additional recipes to add to your repetoire!  Let me know what you think.

….and the other is an ebook  3 Days to Ditch the Bloat. 

And of course if you need extra support reach out to me!! The Winter Cleanse starts January 14th. So sign up now if you are ready! 

Big Hugs,


Beat Winter Body Blues with 24-Hour Veggie Soup Cleanse

We’ve all heard about juice cleanses, but not everyone has heard about another hot health trend – the soup cleanse. Soup cleanses are fantastic for long winter months when our bodies could use a warm boost of energy.
Unlike juice cleanses that contain some fruits, soup cleanses are typically lower on the glycemic scale. This soup cleanse is packed with veggies that contain fiber and nutrients to help maintain weight during pre- and post-holiday overindulgence. They’re also jam-packed with immunity-boosting antioxidants.
To complete this soup cleanse, you’ll need a high-speed blender. I also recommend purchasing glass Mason jars for storage, then making all your soups in the morning or night before so a busy day doesn’t ruin your plans.
When shopping for ingredients, choose organic whenever possible, and be sure to stock up on lots of water and herbal tea for maximum hydration.
There are five recipes below for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. If breakfast, lunch and dinner fill you until the next meal, you do not have to make a morning and afternoon snack, but you can if needed.

Note that the Bone Broth recipe will take 24 hours to make, so plan to make this recipe the day before your cleanse.

For an evening snack, drink herbal tea.
Creamy Coconut 
Serves 2
2 large avocados
1½ cups coconut water
1 lemon, juiced
¼ cup basil leaves
2 cups peas
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Blend using a high-speed blender until smooth.
Glowing Greens Soup                                
Serves 2
2 cups water or coconut water
2 small sweet potatoes, chopped
1 carrot, peeled and chopped
1 cup spinach
1 avocado
Pinch of turmeric
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Fresh basil (garnish)
Blend using a high-speed blender until smooth. Garnish with fresh basil.
Creamy Kale  
Serves 2
1 bunch kale
1 avocado
½ cup coconut water or coconut milk
1 cup frozen or fresh peas
5 basil leaves
1 lemon, juiced
1½ teaspoon sea salt
Hemp seeds (garnish)
Dulse flakes (garnish)
Blend using a high-speed blender until smooth. Top with hemp seeds and dulse flakes.             
Chicken Bone Broth Soup 
3-5 pounds of soup bones
Water (enough to cover the bones)
1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
*Note: Ask at your local butcher shop. Soup bones are usually very cheap, if not free!
MAKE YOUR STOCK. In a stock pot, add the soup bones and enough water to cover. Add apple cider vinegar. Bring to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer for 24+ hours.
STORE YOUR STOCK. After about 24 hours, strain the stock into mason jars. Set them in the fridge to cool. Skim off the fat that rises to the top, and close tightly with a lid, or put in ice cube trays for quick use.
This will keep in the fridge for a few days, or for four to six months in the freezer.
Spiced Butternut Squash Soup  
Serves 4
1 large butternut squash, peeled, seeded and roughly chopped
4 large carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
1 to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
4 cups organic vegetable broth
1 can organic coconut milk (BPA-free can)
1 bunch parsley, chopped (garnish)
ROAST THE VEGETABLES. Heat your oven to 350°F. Take your chopped butternut squash and carrots and massage with coconut oil, cumin, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Bake on a cookie sheet for 20 to 25 minutes until tender. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
ASSEMBLE THE SOUP. Add the vegetable broth and coconut milk to a large pot. Mix together thoroughly. Add the cooled, roasted vegetables to a high-speed blender in batches with just enough broth/coconut milk mixture to cover. Blend until smooth. Add it back to the soup pot and set it on medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes. Serve topped with chopped parsley.

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